Tagged: Technology

Why I will not switch to Windows Phone 8

Recently for work I have been testing some applications on Windows Phone 8,  I thought to myself ‘Hey, this is a great time to personally check out the Windows Phone system’.   My current...

Why small biz VM projects fail  :(

Why small biz VM projects fail :(

As I continue to talk with small businesses about virtualization projects, several themes have come to light.  The company has tried virtualizing but it never worked right, or it was to expensive, or we didn’t...

Hyper-V vs VMWare

Hyper-V vs VMWare

I recently had a vendor meeting with our local representative from VMWare, had to beat them up on their lack of response on a recent support issue.  During the conversation we brough up new...

Install Microsoft Exchange 2007

Install Microsoft Exchange 2007

Had a phone interview for a job in Los Angeles the other day.  They were looking for someone who had installed Microsoft Exchange in a larger environment.  I have done the install several times,...

New Phone on the Way

New Phone on the Way

Finally have a phone upgrade to replace my cell phone.  My current phone, a Samsung Eternity, has worked well for the last 10 months but lately it has been shutting off, rebooting and there...

Bad Computer Day

Bad Computer Day

The complexity of making an ERP system connect to a Windows Mobile device through a VPN running over the cell phone network is not as easy as it sounds. Just don’t connect using the...